Prince Friedrich (Fedor Lvovich)
 Count von Altenkirchen

(1836 - 1909)

Dmitri Nikolaevich Nabokov
(1826 - 1904)

Wilhelmine Hagen
(1854 - 1917)

Baroness Maria Ferdinandovna Korff
(1842 - 1925)

married 16 Apr 1900, St.Petersburg

Prince Heinrich Gottfried Chlodwig (Genrikh Fedorovich) Sayn-Wittgenstein

Elizaveta Dmitrievna Nabokov

bd. 1 Feb 1879, Frankfurt am Main
dd. 18 Jan 1919, Winnyzja (W. Ukraine), in prison

Officer, landowner: estates Druzhnoselie (Gov't St.Petersburg, today Leningrad Oblast); Camenca, Russian spelling Kamenka, (formerly Gov't Podolia, today northern Transnistria); Dodukovo (Gov't Vilnius)

Most recent genealogical information on the Russian branch of the ramified Sayn-Wittgenstein family is in Section III A, Line I of Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels - Fürstliche Häuser, vol. 15, 1997, p.628-633. Condensed genealogical information from the Russian viewpoint in Nabokovskii Vestnik, 2, p.64-76

The only time Vladimir Nabokov traveled within Russia before his hasty train trip to the Crimea in 1917 was a visit to Prince Genrikh Sayn-Wittgenstein's "splendid estate" of Camenca in August, 1911. Camenca, already praised by Lev Tolstoi, is situated in northern Transnistria, the "frozen conflict" zone along the left bank of Dniester River that broke away from Moldova after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The history of the estate of Camenca
reaches back to 1805 when Antonina Wittgenstein, the wife of General Prince Pyotr Khristianovich Sayn-Wittgenstein and hero of the Napoleonic Wars, and the grandmother of Prince Genrikh Fedorovich, bought 700 hectars of land on the Dniester River in what was Russian Podolia. After the Revolution the Estate slowly developed into a city of c. 10.000 inhabitants, home of  the famous Dniester Sanatorium.

SM 60, 61

tree  »#6 Sayn-Wittgenstein

bd. 13 Sep 1877, St.Petersburg
dd. 15 Jun 1942, Bucharest (Romania)

Maid of honor of the last two Russian Empresses

SM 60, 61, 107, 118














spouses: 1, 2


Prince Ludwig/Leon (Lev) Sayn-Wittgenstein (*1901)
Prince Peter (Pyotr) Sayn-Wittgenstein (*1902)
Princess Dorothea (Daria) Sayn-Wittgenstein (*1904)

Maria (1906 - 1907)
Prince Friedrich Theodor (Fedor) Sayn-Wittgenstein (*1909)

Contents * Index * Surnames