
Dieter E. Zimmer  1934 - 2020

>Brian Boyd >Stephen Blackwell >Maurice Couturier >Tatiana Ponomareva >Olga Voronina >Gerard de Vries

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Pear Peacock Moth (Großes Wiener Nachtpfauenauge)



Autor, Herausgeber, Übersetzer, von 1959 bis 1999 Redakteur der ZEIT

Author, editor, translator, former staff writer of the weekly DIE ZEIT

Auf diesen Seiten finden sich Informationen zur Person und zu den Publikationen sowie über 210 MB "Content" auf knapp 1000 Web-Pages: Buchauszüge, Artikel, Bilder, Vorträge, das Web Lolita USA, die Online-Genealogie Nabokov Family Web, das vollständige und aktualisierte Web-Buch Guide to Nabokov's Butterflies and Moths, eine Ausstellung von Lolita-Umschlägen, Fotoalben, Unveröffentlichtes


On these pages you'll find personal information, an overview of publications and 210 MB of content on nearly 1000 Web pages: excerpts from books, articles, images, conference talks, unpublished essays, photo albums, the LolitaUSA web, an exhibit of Lolita book covers, the online genealogy Nabokov Family Web and the complete Guide to Nabokov's Butterflies and Moths. (Purple pages in English.)





Stand | Latest change 09 July 2020

Besucher seit dem Start dieser Site am 12. April 2006 | Visits since the start of this site on April 12, 2006:



Until c.2012, the counter provided by my ISP did not differentiate between normal visitors and the ever increasing number of robots. These rose from c.2,500 per month in November, 2011 to 25,000 per November, 2019. In the same eight years period, the number of regular visitors dropped from c.23,000 per month to c.10,500. Since 2012, the monthly increases reflect only the increase in regular visitors. That's why the above sum total may actually be up to two million too high.